OO gauge motorised track cleaner
Dapol B800 HO/OO gauge DCC ready 5way track cleaner.
This model uses the latest in technology to aid you keeping your track clean and is perfect
for those hard to reach places such as tunnels, at the back of layouts or under catenary
It is DCC ready and features an 8pin DCC socket that can take either UK or USA
configured decoders (orientated), and needs a chip that can operate the motor to function
on DCC. It can be run on DC as a normal item with the motor sharing power with the locomotive that is
needed to haul it. There is an onboard on/off switch to aid this.
The motor within the unit powers, at the modellers choice, either the vacuum function or the
sprung abrasive/polishing head.
There is also an underbody brush for basic removal of dirt/fluff etc, and a reservoir that can be
filled with any non flammable / inflammable, plastic friendly track cleaning solution* that feeds down onto a
sponge (included) that rubs the rail head (to be used before the sprung buffing head).
It is fittest with the best of darkened profile wheels set to a 14.4mm back to back and to
RP25.110 standards, and is fitted with standard UK type couplings within an NEM coupling box.
5 way refers to, liquid application, sprung polishing, abrasive scraping, brushing
and vacuuming. |